Примеры употребления для of
1. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State of the Government of the Republic of Government of Cuba, in honor of the Heads of Delegations of the member countries of the Movement of Nonaligned Nations."
2. Yesterday he was convicted of embezzling the Russian state of hundreds of millions of dollars, of corporate and personal tax evasion, of flouting court orders, and of fraud.
3. On top of the list stands Omar al–Bashir of Sudan, followed by Kim Jong–Il of North Korea, Sayyid Ali Khamenei of Iran, Hu Jintao of China, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Than Shwe of Burma, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, Muammar al–Qaddafi of Libya, Bashar al–Assad of Syria, Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea, King Mswati III of Swaziland, Isayas of Afewerki of Eritrea, Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, Choummaly Sayasone of Laos.
4. The deceased included Bachil, wife of Umar, Bachal, son of Umar, Maryam, wife of Ibrahim, Khairan, daughter of Ibrahim, Nooran, wife of Haji, Khairan, daughter of Haji, Banoo, daughter of Haji, Razia, daughter of Haji, Allahdino, son of Jumoo, Amant, wife of Allahdino, Haneefan, wife of Mohammad Shafi, Shafi, son of Mohammad, Niamat, daughter of Mohammad, Hawa, daughter of Mohammad, Nathi, wife of Nooroo, Raheeman, wife of Haji Abdullah, Khadija, wife of Siddique, Abida, daughter of Hussain, Jhalloo, wife of Kandero, Lakhano, son of Kandero, Khairan, daughter of Kandero, Fahmeeda, daughter of Kandero, Soomari, daughter of Kandero, Saran, daughter of Jumman, Hashim, son of Moosa, Abdul Kareem, son of Hashim, Fatima, wife of Jumman, Ali Nawaz, son of Jumman, Abdullah, son of Lakhano, Zubeda, daughter of Hassan, Idrees, son of Hashim and Yakoob.
5. Holders of 1.78 billion of some of the lowest priority debt face a writedown of part of their holdings.